北京知名石材有限公司是一家集石材開采、加工生產、工藝雕塑、工程設計、裝飾施工、銷售貿易、投資管理、地產物業(yè)為一體、多元化、跨地域的綜合性企業(yè).中國頂級石材工程專家。 北京知名石材堅持以人為本、客戶至上的經營理念,以提供精品石材和優(yōu)質服務為途徑,追求人類生活環(huán)境的美化和員工潛能的充分發(fā)揮。公司大力引進和改良設備,努力提高管理水平,組建專業(yè)隊伍,不斷開發(fā)新資源。業(yè)務人員具有扎實的地質知識及豐富的生產經驗,可長期為客戶在石種選擇、產品設計以及特殊要求方面提供建議和幫助! 北京知名石材十分珍惜與客戶和同行朋友的合作,竭盡全力地為客人提供優(yōu)質的服務,是您信賴的合作伙伴。 Beijing Zhi Ming Stone Co.Ltd.is a set of stone mining, processing production, sculpture, design, decoration construction, sales and trading, investment management, estate property as one, diversified, cross-boundary integrated enterprise. China 's top stone engineering expert.
Beijing Zhi Ming stone adhere to the people-oriented, customer-oriented business philosophy, to provide quality stone products and services for the way, the pursuit of human life and beautify the environment of the staff of the potential into full play. The company vigorously the introduction and improvement of equipment, and strive to improve the management level, the formation of professional teams, and constantly develop new resources. Operational staff with a solid geological knowledge and rich experience in production, long-term customers in the stone of selection, product design and special requirements to provide advice and help!
Beijing Zhi Ming stone treasure with customers and friends of peer cooperation, strain every nerve for the guests to provide quality services, is your trusted partner.